December 2019 Forecasts

We have some interesting new vibrations coming in this month as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter change signs and all the planets are traveling between Scorpio and Taurus this month so half of the zodiac signs are empty. Not to mention we have the winter solstice, an...

November 2019 Forecasts

The month begins with a retrograde Mercury in Scorpio. Whoopie! The gauntlet for going deeper and revealing the truth of things has been thrown by the cosmic forces that be. Show up, tell the truth and go deeper within yourself to make the most of this transit. People...

October 2019 Forecasts

The month begins with Pluto going into direct motion on October 3rd at 20 degrees 38’ of Capricorn. Pluto is the slowest moving known planet in our solar system and will proceed to 20 degrees 49’ Capricorn at the end of the month. This degree was transited by Pluto in...

September 2019 Forecasts

The month begins with 4 planets in Virgo so there’s work to be done, rooms to declutter and file drawers to organize! Mercury, Mars and the Sun are very close to each other the first 6 days so there may very well be verbal jousting and hair trigger tempers so be...

August 2019 Forecasts

The month begins with Mercury in direct motion and the Moon gaining in light after its new phase on 7/31. What a relief to have Mercury moving forward again but at 23 degrees 57’ of Cancer it still makes an opposition to Pluto so the correction of the things that went...

July 2019 Forecasts

July begins the unusual cosmic energy for the month with a new Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd at 10 degrees, 38 ‘of Cancer, a feminine, cardinal water sign. Both protective and emotional, Cancer is a caregiver sign. The nurturing Divine Mother energy that defends...

June 2019 Forecasts

June will be a very dynamic month as the planetary aspects between Mars and the North node opposing Saturn and the South Node have potential for conflict and negativity. We start off on June 3rd with a new Moon at 12 degrees of Gemini opposite a retrograde Jupiter in...

May 2019 Forecasts

The month has some interesting plot twists possible as Mercury and Venus join up with Uranus, the great awakener, on the 8th and 18th respectively. We have a cozy new Moon in Taurus on the 4th and since the Moon loves to be in this sign, it has the potential to be a...

April 2019 Forecasts

April 2019 Forecasts I think it’s safe to say that after the wild ride of March’s Mercury Rx and Uranus entering Taurus we are all looking for a relatively calmer period in April. This is mainly true as Mercury will clear its retrograde path through the...

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