Welcome to eclipse season, as if we needed any more drama in the world right now! We have 2 eclipses this month and one more in early July in this cycle so, in addition to some other planetary factors, it could indeed be a tense and bumpy ride.
The month begins with Venus retrograde combust the rays of the Sun through the 8th. Things could get testy within relationships as people are a bit frazzled and fried right now. On June 5th, there is the full Moon lunar eclipse at 15 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius, which may add to the drama of the times. Lunar eclipses can manifest a rather immediate event and this one has Mars making a square aspect to those degrees on the 6th. No one will be very comfortable during this first week of the month.
The second week has the Sun squaring off with Neptune on the 11th, followed by Mars squaring Neptune on the 13th and Mercury going retrograde on the 18th. This is a recipe for deception and misinformation running rampant in the world. During the 3rd week, Mercury retrogrades at 14 degrees of Cancer, which is within one degree of the July 5th eclipse which may provide a clue to the power of that eclipse’s energy. The Sun makes a conjunction to the north node on the 19th so extremes are possible in the world. Watch any tendencies to go down odd conspiracy rabbit holes during this time. Stay centered and remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. We are all traveling blind right now.
On the 21st we have the seasonal solar eclipse at the 0 degree of Cancer which, as the beginning of a cardinal sign, and this is the longest day, which amplifies its power for the rest of the year. This solar eclipse on 6/21/2020 and another solar eclipse on 12/14/2020, is like the solar eclipse cycle dates in the year 2001. A positive difference is that the north node is past the point of the eclipse on the 21st, which softens the effect.
Neptune goes retrograde at 20 degrees 58’ of Pisces on the 22nd, further obfuscating the truth or creating another fog of illusion. Venus goes direct on the 25th which may bring some ease in relationship tensions, however, when Mars makes a square to the nodal axis on the 26th, it may trigger some negative events.
On the last day of the month we have Jupiter and Pluto, both in retrograde motion at the 24th degree of Capricorn. They were last together at this degree at the end of March so there could be extreme positions and attempts at control possible regarding beliefs, business and the government.
July 5th gives us a lunar eclipse at 13 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn within 1 degree of the United States’ birth chart degree. There will very likely be tumultuous events happening during this time in the US. We all need to remember love is stronger than fear now more than ever.
Read your sun sign and rising sign for best information:
March 21-April 20
With the 6/21 and 7/5 eclipses happening in your solar 4th house there are changes coming for your family, career or in your residence. If you are considering a move, this could be the trigger that pushes you forward. Mars enters your first house at the end of the month, so lots of energy and action is available to you then. The PM hours of the 13th, the 14th and 15th are your stellar days.
April 21-May 20
With Venus retrograde and combust at the beginning of the month and the eclipse of 6/5 in your 2nd house there may be unexpected expenses at this time. The next 2 eclipses take place in your 3rd house and could concern siblings, short trips and communication endeavors. Stay connected and aware that your words can take on different meanings to different people. The 16th, 17th and the AM hours of the 18th are your power days.
May 21-June 21
Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 18th at 14 degrees of Cancer in your 2nd house of income and assets. You can expect some changes in your income stream as 2 eclipses impact that house as well. Take some time off and re-assess what your options are. Venus goes direct in your sign on the 25th so you get some positive news after that happens. The PM hours of the 18th, the 19th and 20th are your good days.
June 22-July 22
The new Moon Solar Eclipse is in your sign on the 21st at 0 degrees, brings in some changes to your identity, your appearance and self-expression. The next eclipse on 7/5 also happens in your 1st house so there is little doubt you will be making some major changes. It is an evolving situation between the 2 eclipses so take some time to breathe and relax through it. The 21st and 22nd support you taking care of yourself.
July 23-Aug 22 With your ruling planet, the Sun, being eclipsed on the 21st in your solar 12th house, you may find yourself craving some seclusion or a break from your normal routine. Find a place to be alone for a spell. The eclipse on 7/5 also happens in that house so you won’t be as social during that time either. Use the positive vibes of the 23rd and 24th to recharge your batteries.
Aug 23-Sept 22
With Mercury going retrograde on the 18th, you will have many work-related projects as the eclipses also impact your 10th and 11th houses of career and income from career. This may actually be quite good for you, professionally. You may want to take some time off at the end of the month to have some fun. The good vibes of the PM hours of the 25th, the 26th and AM hours of the 27th are your power days.
Sept 23-Oct 23
Venus is combust the Sun the first week of the month so you might want to lay low and recharge your batteries at that time. The 1st eclipse happens in your 9th house of beliefs, spirituality and philosophy. The next 2 happen in your 10th house of profession and career. Expect some opportunities to come in that will really intrigue you. Your power days are the 1st, the PM hours of the 27th, the 28th and AM hours of the 29th.
Oct 24-Nov 22
This 3 eclipse cycle could be a bit intense as your 8th house is activated by the 1st one on 6/5, which could cause you some stress over money, insurances, and secrets. The next 2 activate the 9th house so you might feel the need to get more information or additional education in some field of interest. Mars is weak around the 13th so take some time off then to rejuvenate. The Energy favors you on the 2nd, 3rd, PM hors of the 29th and the 30th.
Nov 23-Dec 21
This month begins the 3 eclipse cycle happening in your solar 8th and 7th houses. This impacts your contracts, business relationships and committed personal ones, joint finances, legacies and secrets as well. There will be a lot up for discussion and review for the rest of the year. Take time off for clarity about the next part of your life. The vibes support you on the 4th, 5th and AM hours of the 6th.
Dec 22-Jan 20
The 3 eclipse cycle that begins on 6/5 impacts your solar 6th and 7th houses primarily though it does pull in your identity house, with the lunar positions and the fact that Jupiter and Pluto are exactly conjunct at 24 Capricorn at the end of the month. This is about power, claiming it and how you will use it in the future. Be careful about entering into any new partnerships at this time. The lunar vibes favor you on the PM hours of the 6th, the 7th and the 8th.
Jan 21-Feb 20
With Saturn retrograde in your solar 1st house, there is something personal you must be reviewing or revising regarding your identity, image and appearance so if you are feeling frumpy and old you might want to consider a makeover after Venus goes direct on the 25th. The eclipses impact your 5th and 6th houses so you need to take care of your well being and your health for the rest of the year. Take some time off on the 9th and 10th for some fun.
Feb 21-Mar 20
Family matters take some precedence with this eclipse cycle impacting your 4th and 5th houses. You may want to check in with your children more frequently as something is going on with one of them that needs some attention. Family gatherings are important to you as well. There are some weird vibes for Pisces around the 13th and also around the 26th so take note of your surroundings if traveling about. The 11th, 12th and 13th are your power days.