Mercury goes direct on May 3rd at 24 degrees of Aries, still very close to Uranus at 25 degrees of Aries through May 10th. This gives some unpredictability but also brilliance to areas involving your mind, ideas, communication, and travel. Just go with the flow and remember these things are agitated by the connection with Uranus and one may feel speedy and pulled in too many directions until Mercury gets into the steady sign of Taurus on May 17th. The Sun in Taurus through the 21st provides a grounded quality and the need for stability and beauty in life. We can be grateful for that influence with such a dynamic combination of energies now.
Venus is now solidly in Aries throughout the month bringing out an independence streak and need for space in relationships. This intensifies at the end of the month as Venus gets close to Uranus in Aries. People could abruptly say goodbye and leave your life at that time. This is an energy of separation rather than connection as Venus wants her space now. If you want people to stay in your life, don’t get clingy or needy as that would be a deal breaker! Mars remains in Gemini, also giving one a need to handle move quickly and possibly scatter the energy with too many options or demands.
Jupiter is still retrograde in Libra, moving from 15 degrees back to 13 degrees where it stations before its shift into direct motion on June 9th. This will provide a surge of forward motion energy around relationships, negotiations and legal settlements. The disciplined taskmaster Saturn is still retrograde at the Galactic Center degree of 27-26 Sagittarius. Saturn here can bring up cosmic truths and the need for wise, solid and practical solutions. Think about long term solutions for the best results.
Neptune is in Pisces at 13-14 degrees this month, possibly bringing up some subconscious behavior about the ways one can sabotage oneself with the square from Mars in Gemini. Don’t do the same thing and expect a different result. Seek clarity for inspired action.
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn at 19 degrees is still offering deep transformation around control, big business and the masses. While deeply disruptive right now, there will be a clearing as Pluto is past the halfway mark in Capricorn. Do the right thing.
Read your sun sign and rising sign for best information:
March 21-April 20
The month holds some promising vibes for love and romance as Venus is in your sign the entire month! The first week could be quite exciting as Mercury goes direct on the 3rd, close to the position of unpredictable Uranus! Drive carefully and don’t forget to backup your hard drives as technology devices could be funky at that time. The whole month looks good for you but the 21st and 22nd are exceptional.
April 21-May 20
You will have some unusual experiences with some new and possibly shocking information coming to light in the first two weeks of the month. Something is going on behind your back which will start coming to light around the 17th and at the end of the month. Most of it can be straightened out in June but be cautious about spending money all month. Your best days are the 23rd and 24th.
May 21-June 21
Mars is in your sign all month making a flirty sextile aspect to Venus so that’s something to get excited about! You’ll be busy, busy, busy with lots of invitations, events and things to do—a situation every Gemini enjoys. You might have an upset with a female friend at the end of the month so choose your words carefully at that time. Keep things light and enjoy the favorable vibes of the new Moon on the 25th and the 26th.
June 22-July 22
The career and public image sector of your chart is very active this month with many opportunities finally starting to show up for you. Resist the urge to take the first one as signing any contract works out better if delayed until after the 17th. Honor your inherent need for security and negotiate the best terms for you. Give your need to take care of others some time off and take care of yourself first. Best days for this are the 1st, 27th and 28th.
July 23-Aug 22
This could be a great month for an adventure or two! You may get several surprise offerings for travel locally and abroad this month so make sure your passport is up to date. You have been very busy with the public lately and you do need a break, but part of this travel vibe might have to do with expanding your business. The beginning of the month is likely to be chaotic but it settles down after the 17th. Your stellar days are the 2, 3, 29th and 30th.
Aug 23-Sept 22
The month may start with some strange revelations or unusual circumstances regarding your career or public image. It may take a couple of weeks for you to straighten out the misunderstanding but you will. Be careful what you say to the women in your life at the end of the month as they will be very sensitive to perceived criticism. Thing will get easier in the relationship department very soon so hang in there. Your best days are the 4th, 5th and 31st.
Sept 23-Oct 23
Though Venus is in Aries all month opposing your sign, it is not considered negative as Jupiter in your sign offers some protection and blessings coming due. If you are in a relationship, pay special attention to your loved one as they are likely to be hypersensitive during the last week of the month. Use your compelling grace and charm to smooth any ruffled feathers or hurt feelings. The 6th, 7th and 8th are your days to shine.
Oct 24-Nov 22
Relationships need some TLC from you this month as 2 planets transit that part of your chart. Your creativity is still heightened but you need to pay more attention to the mundane aspects of time management and delegation of tasks. Finances get a little stressed as some unexpected expenses come up at the end of the month. Don’t freak out, it will all work out. The 9th and 10th, which is a full Moon, are your best days.
Nov 23-Dec 21
While you are still feeling like you are burdened by life and juggling too many responsibilities, there’s some reason to feel upbeat as Venus in fiery Aries enters your house of romance, creativity and fun. So get out of your bathrobe and go have some! You will once again feel desirable and attractive and who can’t use a dose of that! Your days to sparkle with wit and charm are the 11th, 12th, and 13th.
Dec 22-Jan 20
With Saturn in your house of solitude and karma, you are probably feeling tired and overworked. There’s a little bit of drama happening in your home that spills over into your work life so I can’t recommend you take any time off to rest just yet. Some unexpected news comes in at the end of the month which will cause you to make some changes in your professional life. The women in your life will be testy at the end of the month so be mindful and gentle in your dealings with them. Your best days are the 14th and 15th.
Jan 21-Feb 20
There will be some opportunities for some travel and fun this month and you should take advantage of them. There may be some unsettling news coming at the beginning of the month regarding your siblings or neighbors so that may have an effect on what is possible for you in the middle of the month. You get a boost of energy at the end of the month but don’t over exert yourself. Things should go well for you on the 16th, 17th and 18th.
Feb 21-Mar 20
Life picks up the pace this month with some interesting information regarding money, taxes, insurances or legacies coming in at the beginning of the month. You may also need to have some maintenance work done in your residence this month requiring some cash outflow. Nevertheless, it should be a pleasant month with lots of social gatherings and parties. Why not have one yourself! Best days for that would be the 19th and 20th.