This month has some pretty intense energy as Mars finishes up the last degree of Scorpio on Tuesday and then moves into Sagittarius getting closer daily to the conjunction with Saturn on the 23rd. These two planets don’t play well together as Mars represents energy and aggression and Saturn represents limits and contraction. Be careful out there if traveling and avoid risky situations and places. These 2 planets can be violent together and the 13th-24th are the apex of the drama as Saturn stations at almost 10 degrees of Sag before going direct on the 13th.
The new Moon on the 2nd is in Leo, which has a fiery dynamic energy and good for getting things started with enthusiasm and passion. This new moon is very positive as Venus is also in Leo, close to the fixed star, Regulus. Mercury has entered Virgo so getting organized and clutter free is a dynamic that is supported all through the beginning week of October as Mercury will go retrograde at 29 Virgo at the end of the month, so it will essentially spend 10 weeks in this sign, yippee! Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo all month, moving from 22 degrees to 27 and will be conjunct Mercury when Mercury retrogrades on the 30th. Pay attention to details all month, though you will no doubt have ‘do-overs’ in September as a result of the retrograde.
The 3 outer planets are all in retrograde motion as well. Uranus Rx at 24 degrees of Aries with Pluto Rx at 15 degrees of Capricorn, still in a broad square aspect creating much upheaval in the world at large. Times are changin’ folks and it’s not easy right now. Neptune is Rx at 11 degrees of Pisces and squaring Saturn, contributing to a lot of confusion, denial, lies, half-truths and delusion out there. People are struggling to find their way through a fog of conflicting stories and detail. Stay positive, things have a way of working out if you remember Love is greater than Fear!

Read your sun sign and rising sign for best information:


ariesMarch 21-April 20
Your ruling planet, Mars, moves into the sign of Sagittarius on the 2nd and that may have an energetic influence on you. However as it moves towards the conjunction with Saturn on the 24th, there’s plenty of frustration surrounding anything you try to accomplish to quickly. Watch your temper if things don’t move fast enough for you. With Venus entering Libra now, your partner requires some love and attention. Put your passionate nature to constructive use–hint, hint. Your best days are the afternoon of the 20th, the 21st and the morning of the 22nd.


taurusApril 21-May 20
Seek some recognition early on this month as Venus favors you getting some attention. It won’t be so much of a struggle this month when Venus joins Mercury and Jupiter in earthy Virgo on the 5th and you feel supported and on solid ground. Watch your finances around the 24th as the Mars/Saturn conjunction could play havoc with investments or your partner’s income and expenses. Keep your calendar open for social events to attend as 3 planets in your solar 5th house bring the fun and possibly some romance. Good days to pursue pleasures are the afternoon of the 22nd, the 23rd and the 24th.


geminiMay 21-June 21
You are more mentally sharp and analytical this month as Mercury travels through Virgo, another sign it rules in addition to yours, which is primarily beneficial. Saturn puts a bit of a damper on your progress when it stations and goes direct on the 13th and squares Venus and opposes Gemini. Be especially careful around the 21-24th during the Mars Saturn conjunction as this pair can cause some trouble for you and authority figures. Take things slowly if you feel confused and ask questions. Travel is a bit dicey for you all month. Best days are the 25th and 26th


cancerJune 22-July 22
Plenty of action in your short distance travel house this month but you might have to spend a bit more money that you expected. Communication with siblings and neighbors increases as 3 planets transit your 3rd house. You might also use this energy to write or study something in depth. You would be wise to take some time to rest and rejuvenate during the last half of the month as Saturn stations and then goes direct in your solar 6th house of health. Good days to get some R&R are the 1st, 27th and 28th.


leoJuly 23-Aug 22
You always feel better when the Sun goes through your sign and this month is no different. The new Moon on the 2nd highlights your appearance in the 1st house so you could get a new haircut or enhance your wardrobe with great success early this month. Money and assets assume greater importance as Venus enters your 2nd house and joins Mercury and Jupiter already there. You might be inclined to make a major purchase with those aspects. The middle and end of the month may hold concerns for your children as Mars and Saturn are conjunct on the 24th in that house. Do your best to attend to their needs without being overly dramatic about it. The 2nd, 3rd and 29th are most favorable for you.


virgoAug 23-Sept 22
With Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all in your sign this month some opportunities should open up but you will have to still be patient as Mar and Saturn are still in a square aspect to all those planets. I know it has been a long struggle with those two since February but you will get some resolution in the fall. Mercury does go retrograde on the 30th so you will revisit the past or have a chance to resolve something in the September/October time frame. Be careful in your home this month as Mars and Saturn transit through there, particularly around the 22-25th. It’s a good aspect to repair things that are worn out or just old, though. Other than that, keep plugging along but take some time off to enjoy life on the 4th, 5th, and 31st. There’s a solar eclipse at 9 degrees of Virgo on the Sept 1…just a head’s up that “times they are a changing”.


libraSept 23-Oct 23
This is a rather quiet month for you with 3 planets transiting through your reclusive 12th house. There is also some inner confusion but use the time to stabilize yourself and attend to any medical issues that you may have ignored. Be careful when driving as the Mars/Saturn conjunction happens in your 3rd house which is the neighborhood and short distance travel. You may have to deal with an angry or demanding sibling or partner at this time as well. Next month has more favorable aspects for you as Venus moves into Libra. Good days to put yourself out there are the 6, 7th and 8th.


scorpioOct 24-Nov 22
Mars will move out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius on the 2nd, giving you some relief from your inner turmoil. Mars does well in Sag and will be there for the next 2 months. It is moving towards a conjunction with Saturn, however, exact on the 24th which can bring conflicts to a head as Saturn wants to stabilize and contain Mars’ aggressive tendencies. Work on it now so it doesn’t have to be a huge blow up with someone in an authority position that could affect your income stream. In spite of this tension it’s a good month to take some time off before the 20th and get some R&R. The 9th and 10th are very favorable days for you.


sagittariusNov 23-Dec 21
This month has some very definite challenges for you as Mars enters your sign and solar 1st house and moves towards a conjunction with Saturn on the 24th. You will feel frustrated and restricted by this combination, which also squares some favorable planets in your 10th house of public image and profession. It’s a “chop wood, carry water” kind of vibe so don’t fight with the energy and do what is required without challenge this month. The Sun in Leo is in a good aspect with this duo so there’s something to be learned from the experience that will make you more cautious and wiser in the long run. The 11th, 12th, and 13th are your best days.


capricornDec 22-Jan 20
Your ruling planet, Saturn, goes into direct motion on the 13th in your solar 12th house to be joined by Mars all month. There’s a bit of a problem with that as the 12th house is a behind the scenes, reclusive kind of location and Mars and Saturn are actively in conflict now. Deep introspection and some inner work are necessary for you to do, so if you can schedule time for a retreat or some time off to strengthen yourself, it would be a good thing for you. Expenses may increase this month but wait until September before launching anything new. You will have better guidance and insights then. The 14th and 15th are your most favorable days.


aquariusJan 21-Feb 20
Your ruling planet, Saturn, goes direct on the 13th in your solar 11th house, where it will be joined by Mars for the next 2 months. They pair up exactly on the 24th which can signify some conflict with your professional peers and friends in general. It’s a good time to explore what it is you really align with and make the adjustments you need to do. Finances and investments may see a boost this month but don’t be complacent about attending to details. Do something fun with your partner before the 20th. Your best days are the 16th an 17th.


piscesFeb 21-Mar 20
Jupiter, Mercury and Venus (on the 5th) will be in your solar 7th house all month signifying some advantages coming in for your partner. Things generally go well with that combination, however it gets squared by Mars and Saturn in the 10th house of profession so read any contracts carefully as those two kind of put the brakes on. Slow and steady will serve you well. The aspect is exact in the 10th house on the 24th so you may have to deal with some conflicts towards the end of the month. Listen carefully and do your own research before severing any professional relationship. Clarity of direction improves next month. The full Moon on the 18th, the 19th and the morning of the 20th are your favorable days.


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