And here we all are, in home isolation or home quarantine under orders from our state or local governments. However you want to label it, it’s no joke. This situation underlines some of the symbology of the Saturn Pluto in Capricorn conjunction, i.e., restrictions from government (Saturn in Capricorn) with possibility of death (Pluto) if we don’t. Within this circumstance is also the possibility of great transformation within ourselves and for society if we use this “timeout” constructively and with positive intention.
When will it end? I think there will be some positive news around April 15th but it may take another 2-4 weeks for the isolation orders to lifted, depending upon where you live and the incidence of infections in that area. So, hunker down and have a plan of action for self-improvement, rather than just binge-watching Netflix shows and snacking at will. I don’t even know what to say about the TP hoarding phenomenon but it just seems fear based to me (Saturn) around the survival root chakra (Pluto), as one possibility.
Anyway, there are planetary changes this month which should help improve matters for the world, but not without some struggle. Mercury moves from its difficult expression in Pisces into fire sign Aries on 4/11, beyond of all the degrees it retrograded over since 2/16. This will bring more demands for the truth about our situation to be told by the people in authority. Venus moves into air sign Gemini on 4/3, another communication sign, and stays there the rest of the month. People will want to socialize again as it’s a bit restless if not getting about. Mars stays in forward thinking air sign Aquarius all month, moving between 1 degree and 21 degrees which should help with problem solving and getting the appropriate things done.
Jupiter begins the month in a conjunction with Pluto and keeps moving on through the 26th degree of earthy Capricorn. This conjunction represents the big financial stimulus package the US government is releasing. Jupiter exaggerates and enlarges what it touches, good or bad and when combining its vibration with Pluto you have a gigantic endeavor. People born with this planetary signature can indeed become very wealthy, having the Midas touch, so to speak.
Uranus moves from the 5th degree through the 6th degree of earth sign Taurus. This placement underscores the financial changes and general insecurity around money now. Neptune is in watery Pisces, completing the 19th degree and getting started on the 20th degree. Pluto goes retrograde at 25 degrees of Capricorn on the 25th and doesn’t go direct until early October. That, along with a Mars retrograde in September may mean this virus makes a comeback in the fall months. Love is stronger than fear, folks so walk your talk!

Read your sun sign and rising sign for best information:


ariesMarch 21-April 20
There’s major shift developing for you this month as Mars and Saturn move from your 10th house to your 11th house of aspirations, income from profession and friends, signifying some frustration and constriction in those areas. Pluto and Jupiter still remain in the 10th house, requiring big thinking for a positive outcome. The south node at your midheaven represents change and possibly the dissolving of your recent circumstances so look for new opportunities to be of service. The 20th, 21st and AM hours of the 22nd are your stellar days.


taurusApril 21-May 20
With the 5 planets in Capricorn gracing your solar 9th house of beliefs, higher mind and philosophy you are granted the task of rooting out things that no longer serve you and sinking into beliefs that are in alignment with your life now. This may involve taking a course or just reviewing where you’ve been and where you are going. Find something to have faith in and do it. Best days to begin this are the 4th, 5th and AM hours of the 6th.


geminiMay 21-June 21
With Venus entering your sign on the 3rd and your ruling planet, Mercury, moving into Aries on the 11th, life feels clearer as to the course of action you should take. There’s also an easing of tension with Mars and Saturn moving into your solar 9th house of higher meaning and beliefs. Those 2 planets together are great for strategic planning, which would be wise for you to undertake now as life as you knew it is over. The 25th, 26th and AM hours of the 27th are beneficial for you.


cancerJune 22-July 22
There is a shift of energy coming up for you this month as 2 planets leave your 7th house of partnership and the nodal axis moves across your horizon into the 6th and 12th houses. This could signify the start of new relationships as you focus on your own health and survival needs. Money remains very tight due to the current global situation but you can manage this but something you counted on may not materialize. The 1st, the AM hours of the 2nd, the PM hours of the 27th, as well as the 28th and 29th are your best days


leoJuly 23-Aug 22
With Mercury entering Aries on the 11th, your mind is able to shake out the cobwebs of the last 6 weeks and develop a strategy for your personal success. This is action time and you may have to adjust your schedule to accommodate people’s needs. The game has changed significantly. But with Venus at your midheaven you will derive pleasure from assisting others and your work should go relatively well. Best days to take some time off are the 5th, 6th and AM hours of the 7th.


virgoAug 23-Sept 22
With the 5 planets in Capricorn now transiting your solar 5th house of creativity, children and heart’s desires you have a lighter task ahead of you this month and year. Allow some fun and pleasure in your life instead of seeking perfection and order everywhere. Let yourself play and enjoy life while also doing your best work. The 13th and 14th are your power days.


libraSept 23-Oct 23
There is a major shift of focus coming as Mars and Saturn are now in Aquarius and out of your 4th house, the lowest and most obscure part of the horoscope. Things will get lighter in your life as you are becoming more visible and have more options opening up for you professionally and personally. Venus entering fellow air sign Gemini lifts your spirits as well. The full Moon on the 7th, the 8th and the AM hours of the 9th are your power days.


scorpioOct 24-Nov 22
With your ruling planet, Mars, now close to Saturn and in air sign Aquarius, entering the 4th house of home, property, ancestors, security and endings, shifts your focus to stability and foundational support for your family. There is a bit of instability through the 8th as Mars moves into a square with Uranus, which can be an accident-prone aspect. Be careful if working around your house during this time. The PM hours of the 9th and the 10th are your most fortunate days.


sagittariusNov 23-Dec 21
With your ruling planet, Jupiter, now conjunct powerful Pluto, there is an exaggerated response to the current situation. Be aware that you could be triggered to over react in the extreme the first half of the month. There is a shift in your focus to your neighborhood, siblings and your community in general. Reach out to others in a safe way to stay connected to other people. The 11th and 12th are your power days.


capricornDec 22-Jan 20
As a very cautious and serious person, you are going to have a shift beginning this month which should give you a more optimistic approach to the current restrictive circumstances. With Mars and Saturn leaving your sign for Aquarius, you have Jupiter and Pluto giving you a boost of energy and enthusiasm. Great time for strategic planning and exploring new avenues of connection with people. The 13th and 14th are your power days.


aquariusJan 21-Feb 20
With Saturn and now Mars in your sign, you are cranky in the beginning of the month as it’s a slow starter. With Mars also making a square to Uranus, there’s a bit of an accident-prone energy for you until the 8th. While it may seem to tedious at first, undertaking a major organizing project would be a good way to use this energy. You can also sharpen your tools. The 15th, 16th and AM hours of the 17th are your stellar days.


piscesFeb 21-Mar 20
With Jupiter at the same degree with Pluto, you have an exaggerated sense of what is going on, while at the same time being optimistic for a positive future. With Venus about to enter your solar 4th house, being housebound will be a more pleasant experience for you than most, granted I feel you will bend the rules to allow others to enter your space. Be safe and let your optimism be contagious! The 18th and 19th are your special days.


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